Participants with families/friends with mental health issues scored greater on the autonomy subscale and the personal growth subscale as compared with participants without. Participants from different faculties/courses have significantly different scores for the personal growth subscale. Males had significantly greater levels for environmental mastery subscale. Second time-point was at 2 weeks after baseline, and the third time-point was 2 months after the second time-point. Test re-test reliability was evaluated among the first group of 74 participants, at three different time-points. Internal consistency and construct validity were assessed among both groups of participants, totalling to 174 participants. Participants were also recruited from online platforms specific to the school. Both groups (group 1: n = 78 group 2: n = 96) were students recruited from a university in Singapore, aged between 18 and 24 years old. Participants, who were recruited using convenience sampling, were split into two groups. This article aims to explore the psychometric properties of the 18-item RPWBS amongst youths in Singapore.